We find hidden deals in your inbox.

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How it works: 

1. Link Inboxous to your inbox

2. Using a variety of LLMs we will find missed sales opportunities in your old emails

3. Never miss an opportunity again with continuous AI monitoring

Time to rethink email big data

Your inbox has insights, sentiment, hidden deals, lost revenue, relationships. Unlock the value with Inboxous

JPS $0.84
THO $0.84
BEN $0.84
- 4.55%
ALN $0.84
MRN $0.84
COX $0.84
HUG $0.84
- 6.12%
JPS $0.84
THO $0.84
BEN $0.84
- 4.55%
ALN $0.84
MRN $0.84
COX $0.84
HUG $0.84
- 6.12%
JPS $0.84
THO $0.84
BEN $0.84
- 4.55%
ALN $0.84
MRN $0.84
COX $0.84
HUG $0.84
- 6.12%
Rethinking your inbox

We’re here to unlock the value in your inbox

By training LLMs on gmail data we are unlocking the potential of your inbox. With an LLM on your side you can ask the big questions.

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Increase sales pipe by 20%

1/5 Deals are lost due to poor followup, communication breakdowns, and misunderstandings.

Learn more
Inbox— revenue — intelligence

Instant Insights

Revive past opportunities

Our AI Models are trained to find opportunities hidden within thousands of emails

Sentiment Analysis

Did you mean to pressure your prospects? Did you not push hard enough? BigQuestions.AI will tell you.

Predictive Analysis

Tell us which deals you've won and we'll tell you which deals trend the same direction.

Try Inboxous free

We're still in beta, but you can sign up to be one of our first beta testers